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Hello, Wonderful Singers!

I began writing this email two days ago but it's taken this long to finalize details of what I needed to send, so with apologies for it being later than I had hoped here's the final info for this Christmas season. We will be presenting a YouTube video production as our concert this year, but have no fear, we will not be showing images of us singing as we record! We will set the music to images from the Church's library of images available for public use. Here's a summary:

  • For Silent Night, we will rehearse together via Zoom and record our audio (not video) individually, after which Marci wll combine the files into a final recording. We will also upload practice files for you so you have those in addition to our rehearsals. Marci will provide foolproof directions for us to record and upload our singing!

  • All the other pieces for our concert presentation will either be taken from previous recordings or will be done by a small group/duet.

  • Rehearsals will be each Thursday in October from 8:00-8:45PM. Please access and print a copy of the music from the members section our website: (the password for the members section is choir2020). You will also find the links to join our Zoom rehearsals on the choir site.

We look forward to seeing everyone's smiling faces on Thursday night! Jim

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